Learning Strategies
This line of work is focused on analysing, implementing, and transferring advanced learning strategies and methodologies, paying special attention to the ones that provide flexible and personalised learning.
Lan-lerro honen helburu nagusia da ikasteko estrategia berritzaileak ikertzea, eta gure ETHAZI ereduan integratzea, eredua balioz hornitzen dutenean,talentuaren garapenasustatzeko eta pertsonen behar emergenteei aurrea hartzeko.
This line of work is important because:
- It delves into learning personalisation, heeding to the characteristics and objectives of the people who learn under Euskadi VET.
- It provides for researching and developing more flexible learning scenarios and itineraries, so it can adapt to the characteristics and realities of students, encouraging each individual's talent to develop.
- Researching and experimenting with active-collaborative methodologies enriches our students' learning experience.
- It facilitates the creation of advanced learning contexts for people who are learning under the different modalities offered by Euskadi VET.
The process in this line of work is focused on the analysis, implementation, and dissemination of learning strategies and methodologies, mainly those that facilitate the flexibilization and personalisation of learning.
1. Analysis
- We research and identify new trends and methodologies in learning, nationally and internationally, that encourage the flexibilization and personalisation of learning.
- We analyse the proposal for added value of these trends and methodologies in the ETHAZI collaborative learning model.
- We integrate both learning flexibility and personalisation into the ETHAZI model, maintaining the model's essence.
2. Development and implementation
- We propose strategies and tools to centres and educator teams to facilitate the flexibilization and personalisation of learning.
- We provide training and accompaniment for teachers to make progress on this line of work.
- We monitor the impact of the changes made to adjust them when necessary.
3. Knowledge transfer
- We share experiences and good practises with Euskadi VET centres.
- We organise events and workshops to share methodologies that have been successfully implemented.
- We publish articles and materials related to the methodologies.
- We collaborate with research and educational innovation networks.