To promote the development of the talent of people and organisations through applied research, design, implementation and transfer of advanced models for learning in the field of Vocational Training, in order to advance towards sustainable and inclusive human development and to anticipate emerging needs.
To be a reference in the promotion and development of talent in Vocational Training, acting as an active agent in the transformation and innovation of the Basque VET system.
Excellence: We seek continuous improvement with a focus on results that benefit society and sustainable human development.
Flexibility: We are aware of new opportunities and challenges, acting swiftly to respond to future challenges in the most effective way.
Collaboration: We foster active collaboration between people and organisations to drive change and continuous improvement in vocational education and training.
Innovation: We foster creativity and the constant search for new models and tools to empower talent and anticipate a changing environment.
Generosity: We offer our time, knowledge and resources for the common good and collective growth.
Closeness: We act with empathy and solidarity towards others, recognising differences and using them for mutual growth.