Evaluation for Learning and Talent

What is the Evaluation for Learning and Talent line of work?

This line of work seeks to use evaluation as a tool for the students' ongoing progress, training and supporting each individual in developing learning and talent.

What is the objective?

The main objective is to research, develop, and transfer tools and models so that educator teams can accompany students as their learning evolves, identifying, developing, and boosting their individual and collective talent through the evaluation.

Why is it important for Euskadi VET?

This line is important because:

  • Evaluation is a fundamental element in the ETHAZI model, Euskadi VET learning model.
  • To develop learning and talent, it is necessary to drive an evaluation model that accompanies people, not only that certifies the acquisition of certain skills.
  • It makes the student training evaluation process easier for educator teams.
  • It meets the needs of the job market today, since society and companies are increasingly demanding professionals with talent, skills, and specific aptitudes.
  • It promotes fairness and inclusion, since it guarantees that all students will have the opportunity to develop their talent to the maximum (personalised learning) regardless of their origin or condition.


We look at skills and at talent. We work with educator teams to evaluate students' skill development, paying special attention to the abilities and aptitudes that characterise talent.

We encourage educator teams to shift perspective regarding evaluation, focusing on these characteristics:

  • Training and orienting evaluation: we suggest using the evaluation as a tool to identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential talent, guiding students in their personal and professional development.
  • Ongoing and personalised evaluation: to accompany students throughout the learning process, adapting it to each student's individual needs and characteristics.
  • Self-evaluation, co-evaluation, and hetero-evaluation: to foster responsible student participation in their own evaluation, complementing it with feedback from peers and educator teams to achieve significant learning.
  • Student commitment and reflection: for students to assume their leading role in their comprehensive development.
  • Shared and collaborative evaluation: for the educator team to collaborate in student evaluation, sharing information and perspectives.

To this end, we generate knowledge through applied research processes at Euskadi VET centres and we transfer it with training sessions and by sharing experiences, considering the different situations in which Euskadi VET system educator teams may find themselves.